Selected Recent Publications

Dr. Edwards’ full list of publications is available on his Google Scholar page.

Critical Role of Molecular Adsorption on Electrocatalysis at Single Nanoparticles

Ruixuan Wan, Mostafa Mahmoudi, Martin A. Edwards, Bo Zhang 

Analytical Chemistry, 2025.

Multimodal Nanoparticle Analysis Enabled by a Polymer Electrolyte Nanopore Combined with Nanoimpact Electrochemistry

Eugene Gyasi Agyemang, Samuel Confederat, Gayathri Mohanan, Manhaz Azimzadeh Sani, Chalmers Chau, Dylan Charnock, Christoph Wälti, Kristina Tschulik, Martin Andrew Edwards, Paolo Actis

Faraday Discuss., 2024, DOI:10.1039/D4FD00143E.

AD Pendergast, KJ Levey, JV Macpherson, MA Edwards, HS White

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (17), 7127-7136

S ConfederatS LeeD VangD SouliasF MarcuccioTI PeaceMA EdwardsP StrobbiaD SamantaC WältiP Actis
Small, 30 August 2023.

KL Anderson, MA Edwards
Analytical Chemistry, 16 May 2023.

F Marcuccio, D Soulias, CC Chau, SE Radford, EW Hewitt, P Actis, and MA Edwards
ACS Nanoscience Au, 10 January 2023.
KJ Levey, MA Edwards, HS White, and JV Macpherson
Analytical Chemistry, 07 September 2022.
CC Chau, F Marcuccio, D Soulias, MA Edwards, SE Radford, EW Hewitt, and P Actis
Preprint from bioRxiv, 03 Nov 2021.

Stochasticity in Single-Entity Electrochemistry

H Ren, MA Edwards
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2021, 25.

A High-Pressure System for Studying Oxygen Reduction During Pt Nanoparticle Collisions

Yulun Zhang, D Robinson, K McKelvey, H Ren, HS White and MA Edwards
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2020.

Before University of Arkansas

Electric Field‐Controlled Synthesis and Characterisation of Single Metal–Organic‐Framework (MOF) Nanoparticles

P. D. Morris, I. J. McPherson, M. A. Edwards, R. J. Kashtiban, R. I. Walton, P. R. Unwin, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 202059, 19696.

A synthetic chemist’s guide to electroanalytical tools for studying reaction mechanisms

C Sandford, MA Edwards, KJ Klunder, DP Hickey, M Li, K Barman, …
Chemical Science, 2019, 10 (26), 6404-6422.

Visualization of Hydrogen Evolution at Individual Platinum Nanoparticles at a Buried Interface

R Gao, MA Edwards, Y Qiu, K Barman, HS White
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (19), 8890-8896.

Coupled Electron-and Phase-Transfer Reactions at a Three-Phase Interfaces

CK Terry Weatherly, H Ren, MA Edwards, L Wang, HS White
Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141 (45), 18091-18098.

The importance of nanoscale confinement to electrocatalytic performance

J Wordsworth, TM Benedetti, A Alinezhad, RD Tilley, MA Edwards, …
Chemical Science, 2020, 11 (5), 1233-1240.

Nanopipettes as a tool for single nanoparticle electrochemistry

K McKelvey, SR German, Y Zhang, HS White, MA Edwards
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 2017, 6 (1), 4-9.

Voltage-rectified current and fluid flow in conical nanopores

WJ Lan, MA Edwards, L Luo, RT Perera, X Wu, CR Martin, HS White
Accounts of Chemical Research 2016, 49 (11), 2605-2613.

Nanoscale electrochemical kinetics & dynamics: the challenges and opportunities of single-entity measurements

MA Edwards, DA Robinson, H Ren, CG Cheyne, CS Tan, HS White
Faraday Discussions, 2018, 210, 9-28.